Creating groups

    To easily assign multiple users the same access privileges to shared files, your Web site, or mail services, you can create groups.

    Note: If you are sharing user and group information among primary and secondary servers, you must set up groups on the primary server.

    To create a group:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to administer.
    2 Press the Users & Groups button and choose Show Users & Groups List.
    3 Click the New Group button.
    4 Enter the name of the group you want to create.
    If you want users to be able to send mail to this group, don't use the space character or Option-key characters.
    5 Click the Users & Groups List button.
    6 Drag users from the Users & Groups List window to the Group Members list in the group window.
    7 Click Save.


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